Real dandelion seeds connected, one by one, to an LED, creating a miniature electronic light sculpture.
Battery included. Glass dome, specially made to fit exactly over the dandelight, available separately.

Drift is an Amsterdam (NL) based studio, which creates site-specific installations and interactive sculptures that deal with space, light and movement, by playing with existing and new relationships between nature, technology and mankind. At first glance, the works seem to refer to familiar situations, but on further investigation these references are brought into question. This places the viewer in an interesting position, reshaping how we relate to our environment and stimulating new ways of thinking.
DriftはRalph NautaとLonneke Gordijnの2人が2007年にオランダでスタートしたデザインスタジオです。Nautaは工芸、素材、製造技術、Gordijnはフォルムやコンセプトのクリエイションを得意とし、知識+直感、自然+サイエンスフィクション、イデオロギー+リアリティを融合させた作品を発表しています。