Magnet Tack - Set of 3
Sometimes it's the simplest innovations that make the biggest impact. Double the functionality of any bulletin board with these magnetic tacks.
Strong enough for keys, pens, etc.
Set of 3.
Born in 1980. Graduated from the Environmental Design Department of Tama Art University in 2004. After graduating from the university, he lived in a Zen temple, Sotoshu Daihonzan Sojiji, as a trainee. In 2007,He established previous company, Hironao Tsuboi Design. His representative works include Arflex OMEGA, iida LIGHT POOL, and 100% Lamp Lamp. His flexible interpretation of the subjective environment and multilateral approaches are highly acclaimed. Product designs vary from tools to home appliances and furniture.
坪井浩尚は1980年生まれ。04年多摩美術大学環境デザイン科卒業。卒業後曹洞宗大本山總持寺にて雲水として安居。07年前身のHironao Tsuboi Designを設立。代表作にiida「LIGHT POOL」middle「Humidifier」100%「Sakurasaku glass」等がある。対象の環境を柔軟に読み解く、多角的なアプローチに定評があり、現在まで日用生活品から家電製品・家具など、プロダクトデザインを中心に幅広い製品を手がけている。