Mat Walk
A bathmat with slippers built right in, allowing you to walk comfortably and without slipping, while at the same time wiping the wet floor.
Perfect for keeping your feet clean and warm after a luxurious bath.
Paolo Ulian was born in 1961. His forming at the Accademy of beatiful arts in Carrara where he follows the courses of painting by Getulio Alviani and Luciano Fabro, after that, he enrolled at I.s.i.a. of Florence, where he received a diploma in industrial design in 1990.
Paolo Ulian は1961年生まれのデザイナーです。Getulio AlvianiとLuciano Fabroの元で美術の指導を受けた後、1990年にフィレンツェの I. s.i.aにてインダストリアルデザインの修士課程を終了しています。ユニークなデザインで人気のデザイナーです。