Solitaire Playing Cards
Solitaire Cards, designed by Apple designer Susan Kare, might look more or less like regular playing cards at first glance. But a closer look will bring guaranteed waves of nostalgia to anyone who spent time in the 90s killing time in front of a PC.
In honor of the game's 25th anniversary, Areaware worked with Susan Kare, who designed the original Solitaire game cards. The deck features the original artwork from the PC classic, as well as two jokers that were designed specially. The cards come in a special green box with the Solitaire icon on it.
Susan Kare created some of the most familiar user interface designs in early computing. The icons she designed for the original Macintosh operating system helped millions navigate easily through our early and unfamiliar digital environment, and include the trash can, lasso, and finder Icon.
2.4" x 3.5"