Analog Click Clock
- About product
Inspired by the simplicity and the look of a traditional analog clock face, the Analogue Click Clock by Gingko Electronics has an ultra-stylish and contemporary silhouette, and plenty of features. It can be free-standing or wall-mounted, and uses integrated, minimalist LEDs to tell time in a unique and modern way.
The display can be turned on or off, or set to be activated at the sound of clapped hands or tapped fingers. It's easily rechargeable, and blinks to change the time. There's even a dot to represent the second hand that dances around the clock face.
— Analogue Display Face Automatically Switches Off When It’s Quiet And Lights Up In Response To Clicked Fingers Or Clapped Hands, Or It Can Be Set Display Permanently.
— Power Supply: DC5V/0.5-1A Plug Adapter (included) Or In Built Back-up
— Rechargeable Back-up Battery Life: Approx 2 Days In Permanent Display Or
2 Weeks In Sound Activated Display.
— Alarm With Snooze